News, Reviews and Interviews
Nogi Guard Passes with Chris Brennan DVD
by Jiu Jitsu Minnesota on 04/28/11
Are you finding yourself struggling in the closed guard a little too often? How about half or butterfly? Well, 3 time KotC Middleweight World Champion and Nogi Industries founder Chris Brennan just might have the answer you've been looking for. "Nogi Guard Passes with Chris Brennan" available from is an hour of solid no-gi instruction and technique.
This well-produced no-gi bjj instructional starts off with "opening the guard" by utilizing the knee, then builds off of that into closed guard passes. Half guard passes are next including strategy against the lockdown. From there, Chris explores how to handle the butterfly guard- including the effective "2 on 1" technique. The bonus chapter includes a handful of random yet useful techniques.
In my opinon, there is tons of cool stuff in the DVD for students at all levels of the game. I have already started using the knee in the middle in my closed-guard passing game plan and I am working towards building off that solid foundation into more of Brennan's guard pass philosophy. I would definitely recommend this instructional DVD to anyone who is looking to improve their no gi game.